Saturday, October 12, 2013

I am goin to have to assume...

that Amanda has given up on me.

i have not given up on her.  but she is not giving solid proof that she still thinks about me. i forgave her for the last fight we had she even said that she was happy that i had forgiven her. but i have told her that she was third in line. and to this she did not like me as much after words.

and ever since i told her this she abandoned our relationship.

i know that i have set married women before her and for this reason i do not even get hits on my blog from her area of the country. 

but once a woman is married to another guy i consider them "dead" to me.

because they have set in stone who they want to be with. and who they care for the most.

the 2 women i set before Amanda was my high school crush and the next woman i fell for once i found out she, my crush, had married someone else.

i fell in love with Amanda once i saw i light at the end of a long tunnel that i consider as my rebound relationship with the High school crush. and i knew that rebound relationships don't survive.

but i found out was that rebound relationships do not survive if they happen in conjunction with a relation with another. they can be considered a rebound to a rebound.

if you want me to stop thinking of you. just marry someone else. that seems to work for me.