Sunday, February 2, 2014

Can't let a good guy down.

Due to a whole lot of network issues at home i have not been blogging as much as i wanted to in the last month.  after losing contact with amanda, i found that all i care about now is the Rapture. but knowing that it could not happen in my life time is what is currently depressing me.

i feel that there is somthing i must do before it happens. or even so. somthing must happen to me before it happens is anotherthing that i feel must happen before it happens.

can you wrap your head around that one?

i know there have been predictions after predictions of when it or if it takes place. but i know i will be apart of it or die just before it.  but i have made predictions before about my death. but have turned up emtey.

but i can feel my body failing ever since i had my gull bladder removed. and i know that all the background radiation that i know i am exposed to will either kill me or make me stronger.

i do not want to go back to SAC since i had a vision about being there that i do not want to come true. but ever since i lost my job at C4K i know it will be a pressure to go back there.

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